Project Highlights
- Title: Kalyana: Ensure access to lifesaving integrated and sustainable services to the Rohingya population and host communities in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh
- Donor: Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration (BPRM)
- Duration: 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025
- Number of Beneficiaries: Direct: 46,614; Indirect: 24,128
- Main partner/s: AGRAJATTRA (Child Protection)
- Location: Camp 26, Camp 27, Hnila Union- Ward 7 & 9
Project Summary
In Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the “Kalyana” project, funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM), addresses the critical needs of Rohingya refugees and host communities in Teknaf’s Nhila Union, Camps 26 and 27. Initiated in 2022, this multi-year project enhances the safety, dignity, and resilience of vulnerable populations through an integrated, multi-sectoral humanitarian response.
The project focuses on improving health and nutrition services for women and children under five through integrated care. It also enhances access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services by implementing innovative solutions like desalination plants, rainwater harvesting, and hygiene education programs. Additionally, it strengthens child protection by providing psychosocial support, case management, and preventive measures to address child abuse and trafficking.
With a targeted reach of 46,614 participants (38,478 Rohingyas and 8,136 host community members), the project strengthens community engagement, promotes sustainable solutions, and builds long-term resilience in one of the world’s most fragile humanitarian contexts.
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to enhance the safety and dignity of refugees and host communities in the targeted area through an integrated, multi-sectorial humanitarian response, that will continue to increase access to quality health and nutrition, WASH services and child protection.
Key Activities and Achievements
Tdh is providing 24/7 essential primary healthcare services (e.g., Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care/BEmONC, Ante-Natal Care /ANC, Post Natal Care/PNC, and Family Planning) through two Primary Healthcare Centers (PHC) in Camps 26 and 27 to both Rohingya and adjacent host communities. The PHCs provide treatment for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Besides, nutrition referral is done for identified Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) children along with Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling.
The two Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) are collectively serving an average of 655 patients per day, resulting in a total of 239,075 consultations in a year.
Tdh is providing desludging and solid waste management services through a Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant and a Solid Waste Management Plant. It is also providing essential services through construction of latrines, bathing cubicles, drains, and communal bins, disinfection, maintenance & decommissioning of WASH facilities, and hygiene promotion.
18,200 project participants are getting benefits from Fecal Sludge management (FSM) and solid waste management (SWM) interventions at the two PHCs and one Multi-Purpose Community Center (MPCC) in Camps 26 and 27 and the surrounding host communities.
Child Protection: Tdh is providing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) support (including Case Management and PSS) to children through MPCC and Child Play Areas (CPAs) and community-based child protection mechanism is being operationalized. Tdh targets caregivers of children with Positive Parenting Skills program to ensure batter parenting of children at home. Problem Management Plus (PM+) counselling is planned to provide psychological assistance to caregivers (16+) exhibiting signs of stress, anxiety, depression. Community Outreach awareness is focused on Health, WASH and CP.
The lives of 23,266 project participants are being transformed through comprehensive child protection services.